A Chicken Coop on Isle of Hope
While most people on the island receive a call their dog has wandered off, Ben and Cathy Baxter receive calls their chickens are out.
The Baxter’s are known for their healthy, organic lifestyle and love of farm fresh produce. You may know Ben and Cathy from the Forsyth Farmers Market – they were familiar faces, as Ben ran it for several years. So it’s very fitting a custom designed chicken coop sits right in their backyard

A peek inside the coop: Beautiful and friendly Road Island Reds, Welsummer, Buff Orpingtons, and Speckled Sussex Hens., the Baxter’s chickens lay about 4-5 eggs per day.
There’s no need to dodge flapping feathers and step in chicken droppings when gathering eggs, because when you open the tiny doors that read e-g-g-s, the laying nests are at arms length.
So if you are coming off Dutch Island, slow down before you swing around on Hopecrest. Be on the lookout for chickens in the driveway where you see the zebra mailbox. Sometimes they have a mind of their own.
Read the entire January-February 2014 edition here