Isle of Hope Safety Day – Memorial Day Weekend at the IOH Pool

I’ve lived in the Isle of Hope Community since 2004 and my wife Lisa grew up here. We used to live downtown, but when we started our family we knew this was the place we wanted to raise our kids.

When I originally started this newsletter in 2011, I wanted to create a resource for the community and make a positive contribution to the Isle of Hope area. Now that it has grown into a viable business, we plan to invest a percentage of the profits back into our community.

To get started, we are organizing a family safety day for the Isle of Hope area. We will take a portion of our profits and money that was slated to go to the IOH T-ball league last year (before the season was cancelled due to scheduling conflicts with the IOH School) and purchase bike lights, reflectors and smoke detectors for community families.

We will also be supporting the Isle of Hope pool and other community-oriented projects. If you have any suggestions, please let us know.

For more information, go to To submit a suggestion, go to Stay tuned over the next few months as we share other projects that will make our community even better. We hope you will join us in supporting them!

Thanks! Ed Yannett